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Custom Fields
Updated over 2 months ago

Sprout Social Influencer Marketing's Custom Fields allows Organization Admins to create opportunities for users to track custom information in three parts of the platform: Profiles, Campaigns, and Creator Cards within a Campaign.

All Custom Fields are able to be created/edited in an Organization's Settings. To access Custom Fields in Sprout Social Influencer Marketing, select the user icon, then "Settings".

Next, select “Custom Fields.

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Types of Custom Fields

There are seven different types of Custom Fields on Sprout Social Influencer Marketing, all of which are available for Profile, Campaign, or Creator Custom Fields:

  • Small Textbox: One line textbox utilized to input a single line of information.

  • Large Textbox: Textbox that expands if needed, allowing for as much information to be input as needed.

  • Dropdown: This field creates a dropdown menu, which allows users to choose from the options they input while creating the field. Only one option is available to be selected in this type of field.

  • Multi-Select Dropdown: This field creates a dropdown menu, which allows users to choose from the options input within the creation/settings of the field. These types of fields allow users to add multiple sets of values for a single Custom Field.

  • Number: This field creates a small textbox that only allows for numbers as an input.

  • Attachment: This field allows users to upload attachments within the given setting.

  • Date: This field allows users to input dates within the given setting, either manually with their keyboard or using the popup calendar function.

Multi-Value Custom Fields

Within Custom Field settings, Sprout Social Influencer Marketing allows for users to create Multi-Value custom fields. These types of fields allow users to add multiple sets of values for a single Custom Field. To make a Custom Field multi-valued, follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Hover over the Custom Field element.

Step 2:

Select “Settings”.

Step 3:

Select the box next to ‘Multi-Valued’, then “Save”.

Please note, if multiple fields are included in a single custom field group, they will all be displayed along the same row.

Profile Custom Fields

Profile Custom Fields populate data collection opportunities within Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Creator's Profiles. Any fields created or information gathered from a Profile Custom Field will remain proprietary to your Organization; no other Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Users outside of the Organization will see these fields or the data collected.

Please note, only Admins in your organization have the ability to add Profile Custom Fields.

Create a Profile Custom Field

Step 1:

From the Organization's Settings, select "Custom Fields".

Step 2:

Select "Profile".

Step 3:

Select "Add Field".

Step 4:

Build the Profile Custom Field, filling out the following information.

  • Name: Assign a name to the Custom Field.

    • Examples of Custom Fields:

      • Birthday (Date, Small Textbox)

      • T-shirt Size (Multi-Select Dropdown)

      • Rate Card (Attachment, Textbox).

  • Type: Select the manner in which the information is collected.

    • See the different types of Custom Fields available here.

  • Tooltip: This is an optional field for users to add any relevant tips for entering the desired data.

Step 5:

Select “Add”.

After selecting "Add", users will be brought to the following screen. This signifies that the Profile Custom Field is active.

Once created, Profile Custom fields can be found in the About Tab, on Creator Profiles.

Campaign Custom Fields

Campaign Custom Fields allow users to label and organize their Campaigns. These custom fields appear in “Campaign Custom Fields” in Campaign Settings or in Organization Settings. Once built out, Campaign Custom Fields are accessible within the “Add Filters” section of any Project Folder.

Create Campaign Custom Fields

Step 1:

From Organization Settings, select "Custom Fields".

Step 2:

Select "Campaign".

Step 3:

Select "Add Field".

Step 4:

Build the Campaign Custom Field by filling out the following information.

  • Name: Assign a name to the Custom Field.

    • Examples of Custom Fields:

      • Campaign Verticals (Multi-select Dropdown, Small Textbox)

      • Fiscal Quarter (Multi-select Dropdown, Small Textbox).

  • Type: Select the manner in which the information is collected.

    • See the different types of Custom Fields available here.

  • Tooltip: This is an opportunity to add any relevant tips for entering the desired data.

Step 5:

Select “Add”.

Once the Campaign Custom Fields have been added, users are able to find them in Organization Settings or Campaign Settings.

Creator Custom Fields

Track and organize Creators using specific details within Campaigns by utilizing Sprout Social Influencer Marketing’s Creator Custom Fields. In a Campaign, these fields appear in the Creator View of Creator Flow within a Campaign. Once built out, Creator Custom Fields are accessible within the “Add Filters” section of the Creators tab in any Campaign.

Create Creator Custom Fields

Step 1:

From the Organization's Settings, select "Custom Fields".

Step 2:

Select "Creator".

Step 3:

Select "Add Field".

Step 4:

Build Creator Custom Fields, adding the following information.

  • Name: Assign a name to the Custom Field.

    • Examples of Custom Fields:

      • Travel Dates (Date, Small Textbox)

      • Received Product (Dropdown, Small Textbox).

  • Type: Select the manner in which the information is collected.

    • See the different types of Custom Fields available here.

  • Tooltip: This is an opportunity to add any relevant tips for entering the desired data.

Step 5:

Select “Add”.

Once Creator Custom Fields have been built, they can be found in Creator View within a Campaign.

- Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Tip -

Creator Custom Fields can also be found by selecting "+ Add Filters", then scrolling till the Creator Custom Field is seen to select.

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