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Users can import Shopify Discount Codes or create them directly on our platform to send them to Creators. These codes are generated for individual Creators within a specific Campaign or applied to an entire Campaign.
Set Discount Codes
Head to the settings of the desired Campaign, select 'Creator Flow', ensure Shopify Discount Code is toggled on, then from the left-hand menu, select 'Add' Shopify Discount Code.
Here, users can decide which method to use to distribute the code to Creators. There are two options: Set one discount count for the whole Campaign or create separate discount codes for Creators.
Then, users can also choose to create a new discount code or import an existing Shopify code.
Set Discount Codes for a Campaign
All Creators within a Campaign have the same Discount Code if this selection is made. Please note that this code can not be changed for individual Creators within a Campaign once the code has been generated. All Campaign Metrics will be aggregated under one Discount Code
Set Discount Codes for all Creators
If selected, Creators in a Campaign will receive a separate code with the same configuration. Codes are generated automatically for all Creators within the Campaign and for any Creators added in the future. These codes can be adjusted on the Creator level, which means the metrics will be distinguished between Creators.
Set Discount Codes for Individual Creators
Users can create or import a discount code for individual Creators within the creator flow by selecting 'Add' Shopify discount code in the left-hand menu.
Edit Existing Discount Codes
The Agency user can either edit an existing Discount Code or completely withdraw it and create a new Discount Code in its place.
To do so, go to the Campaign Settings, Creator Flow, and select 'Edit' Shopify Discount Code from the right-hand menu.
Edit Discount Code within Creator Flow
To do so, select the Creators tab in the Campaign, select the Creator, and select 'Edit' on the right-hand menu.
Withdrawing a Discount Code will have no impact on that code in Shopify. It will, however, unlink the relationship between the Discount Code and a Creator/Campaign.
Discount Code Metrics
Two metrics connected to Discount Codes are being gathered:
The number of orders made with a Discount Code
The total sales generated with a Discount Code
These metrics are shown in the Summary in the Creator table as well as its own element summing up the performance of the whole Campaign.