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More Filters

Walk through the More Filters section of Sprout Social Influencer Marketing's Discovery Platform

Updated over 3 months ago

First, to view the filters within this section, select “More Filters” at the top of the page. There, users can apply a variety of filters outlined below:



When the 'Website' toggle is on, Discovery results will only display Profiles that include a website or blog.


When the email toggle is on, Discovery results will only display Profiles that have an email saved to their Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Profile.


Sprout Social Influencer Marketing allows users to search for Profiles using Labels or Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Labels.

  • Labels: Created by an individual within the Organization, Labels are only visible to other users within the same Organization.

  • Sprout Social Influencer Marketing Labels: Visible to all users on Sprout Social Influencer Marketing, regardless of Organization affiliation.

The Labels filter, found within "More Filters," enables users to:

  • Include or Exclude: Select whether the selected Label is included or excluded in Discovery Results.

  • AND/OR Functionality: Users can utilize AND/OR functionality within the Discovery searches.

Profiles from Campaigns

Users can filter Discovery results based on whether the Profile has or has not been included in a specific Campaign before.

Search results exclude Profiles in the Campaign “Test Campaign.” This filter enables users to search for and add Creators to a Campaign with confidence that none of the results will be extraneous.

Profiles From Groups

Similar to Campaigns, users can filter Discovery results based on whether the Profile is or is not included in a specific Group.

In the example below, Profiles in the Group “Detroit” are excluded from the Discovery results, allowing users to search for and add Creators to a Campaign with the confidence that none of the results will be extraneous.

Growth Rate

The Growth Rate Slider narrows searches by including Profiles with the fastest-growing Platform, which users select from the drop-down menu below the slider.

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